Care for Children and Elders Life Association (CCELA)

Care for Children and Elders Life Association (CCELA) is a non-political, not-for-profit privately run humanitarian organisation.
They are a legally registered and licensed to operate in accordance with the charities and societies proclamation, but rely solely on the generosity of sponsors and donors to continue their work.
CCELA provides various comprehensive services including a community based sponsorship programme, skill training for Nannies working in both governmental and non-governmental orphanages, and economical and psychosocial support for the destitute elderly.
They currently provide a loving, secure home environment for 6 toddlers aged between 1 and 4 years of age, and 5 adolescent girls.
Their hard work and high standards have been recognised by authorities in Ethiopia, with CCELA recently selected as one of the best non-Government organisations (NGO) working in the children sector, both in terms of their professional practice, values and fulfilling the standards of MOWA (Ministry of Women’s Affairs).
Whilst Ethiopian culture and traditions are fully retained and an integrated part of life for their children, they pride the facility to high Western standards.

Giovanna and Donald with Naluguru from the remote Suri Tribe in the Omo Valley, Ethiopia.
Naluguru attends an International Private School in Addis Ababa. She enjoys private music lessons and speaks 3 languages (Aharmic, English & Suri). She loves reading and learning! Her favourite subjects are Drawing, Science, Maths, & Sports.
CCELA provides her a nurturing and loving home-like environment.

This sponsorship program includes:
- School fees
- Uniforms
- Full boarding
- Medical fees
- Private tuition/music
Giovanna and Donald are committed to fully support Naluguru though her education to University.

'Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today' - Malcolm X