FFIEL Photo Exhibition: Ecografías
Super happy and honored to be selected as one of the Photographer in this exhibition
Glad to see the enthusiasm of the attendees and we hope that the photos can resonate with the people
Hopefully, in the next exhibition, we can be there in person to talk about the photos

We really like the concept of FFIEL, the International Photo Festival in León (México). The approach of the visual culture and arts to all the society really is something that we have never been part of before

Huge thanks to Daniel Arróniz Rábago who invited me to this event, I am truly honored.

See you at the next exhibition!
Love, Giovanna
Related links:
El Sol de Leon: https://www.elsoldeleon.com.mx/cultura/reunen-las-mejores-imagenes-en-la-septima-edicion-del-ffiel-2022-9347911.html
am: https://www.am.com.mx/cultura/2022/12/19/ecografias-retratan-el-grito-de-la-naturaleza-639045.html
CrónicaGto: https://cronicagto.com/sigue-creciendo-el-festival-internacional-de-fotografia-de-leon/
Tv4 Culture (TV): https://fb.watch/hslooza4xg/?mibextid=v7YzmG